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Q. Have you settled in, in terms of this week, having finally gotten here? Has it finally settled in and do you feel comfortable?
A: Today was a lot better. I was definitely nervous out there yesterday. But today I felt a lot better and was able to kind of get in the routine and hit some good shots. So today was a lot better for sure.
Q. Can you give us a rundown on when you got here, what you did first, the step-by-step?
A: I got in Friday night, and then Saturday, played a practice round with Geoff Ogilvy, Adam Scott, David Chung, and played Sunday morning with Fowler and Watson, and then I went over and watched our team over at Forest Hills and watched them win over there. And then Monday yesterday? Days are blurred.
Yesterday played with Rickie and Nathan Smith and today just played with Bo Van Pelt, Nathan Smith and Ryan Palmer.
Q. What single shot out there did you look forward to hitting the most before you got here?
A: I think 12. 12 is obviously one of the trademark holes of golf, that's for sure. I think just hitting that shot was pretty cool. I hit it in the water the first time I played. Right pin, I went for it.
Q: What does your summer look like?
A: Yeah, I'll do Nationals, U.S. Open, and I think the AT&T, is that right after that? Yeah. And then it's kind of up in the air. I'm going to take a vacation. I'm going to go over before the British Open and just go over there the week before and just play all of the course and St. Andrews and go over to Aberdeen and check that place out. I'll probably do the Western Am and then the U.S. Am and then back to school.
Q. What did you do in the Crow's Nest during last night's storm?
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